Packages |
dk.schoubo.accounting |
Bookkeeping with mathematical twist |
dk.schoubo.architecture |
Routines for 2D plans |
dk.schoubo.astrometry.constants |
Various astronomical constants |
dk.schoubo.astrometry.elp200082 |
Calculation of lunar positions according to ELP 2000-82B (Chapront-Touze+, 1988) |
dk.schoubo.astrometry.minorplanets |
Calculation of minor planet positions according to The Asteroid Orbital Elements Database at Lowell Observatory |
dk.schoubo.astrometry.names |
Named star catalog |
dk.schoubo.astrometry.pluto |
Calculation of positions of Pluto according to VI/88 Ephemerides of Pluto (PLUTO95) (Chapront+ 1995) |
dk.schoubo.astrometry.sao |
Calculation of star positions according to Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog J2000 (SAO Staff 1966; USNO, ADC 1990) at Strasbourg-I-131A |
dk.schoubo.astrometry.usnosa |
Reader for US Naval Observatory (Flagstaff Station) Standard Astrometry plate data |
dk.schoubo.astrometry.vsop |
Calculation of planetary positions according to VI/81 Planetary Solutions VSOP87 (Bretagnon+, 1988) |
dk.schoubo.astronomy.meeus |
Implementation of routines from Jean Meeus: Astronomical Algorithms, ISBN 0-943396-35-2 |
dk.schoubo.attractors |
Chaotic Attractor collection | |
Generate pure sounds in WAV files |
dk.schoubo.chameleons |
Simulate Chameleon colony for logic puzzle |
dk.schoubo.communication |
Morse code, Signal flags, Phonetic Alphabet |
dk.schoubo.comport |
Com port communication and interpreter for Digitizers |
dk.schoubo.crosswords |
Find anagrams |
dk.schoubo.cryptography |
Various cryptographic routines: Vigenere, Enigma, Trigraphs, Beale Cypher |
dk.schoubo.datagen |
Construct Test Data Sets |
dk.schoubo.dato |
Various Date manipulation routines |
dk.schoubo.edifact |
EDIFACT implementation |
dk.schoubo.electronics |
Various electronic calculations |
dk.schoubo.filateli |
Print mounting pages |
dk.schoubo.filemanipulation |
Various file manipulation routines |
dk.schoubo.forrester |
Implementation of Forresters World Model, translated from Peter Naur's GIER Algol implementation |
dk.schoubo.futcad |
Model train CAD system | |
Display of gambling cards |ørkenvandringen |
Implementation of my fathers favourite solitary card game | |
Implementation of Roulette simulator |
dk.schoubo.geography |
Routines for converting geographic coordinates in UTM, System 34 and Longitude/Latitude |
dk.schoubo.geometry |
Plane geometry including Graham Scan and Isocurve construction |
dk.schoubo.gier3d |
3d geometry |
dk.schoubo.gks |
Graphic Kernel System implementation |
dk.schoubo.graph |
Various Graph routines | |
Cropping application |
dk.schoubo.gui |
Basic graphics routines |
dk.schoubo.hpgl |
HP/GL intepreter |
dk.schoubo.inventory |
Inventory models |
dk.schoubo.jjsyntaxdiagram |
JavaCC syntax presented as graphic diagrams |
dk.schoubo.junit |
Utilities to supplement JUnit, including graphic file comparison |
dk.schoubo.kepler |
Solve Keplers equation |
dk.schoubo.layout |
Prototype graphic routine for CAD use |
dk.schoubo.linearprogramming |
Solve linear programming optimizations
dk.schoubo.linguistic |
Text corpus statistics |
dk.schoubo.madamblue |
Java class file decompiler |
dk.schoubo.math |
Various mathematical routines |
dk.schoubo.misc |
Various miscellaneous assortment of mixed routines |
dk.schoubo.movies |
Generate index of movies based on IMDB |
dk.schoubo.mp3 |
Correct ID3 tags | |
Interface to OpenOffice files |
dk.schoubo.openvms |
Various OpenVMS interface routines |
dk.schoubo.openvmsbackup |
Extract files from OpenVMS Backup files |
dk.schoubo.openvmsbookreader |
Extract text from OpenVMS Bookreader files |
dk.schoubo.pas2java |
JavaCC-based system to convert Pascal sources to Java |
dk.schoubo.patersonworm |
Generate Paterson Worm diagrams |
dk.schoubo.pdf |
Extract text from PDF files |
dk.schoubo.physics |
Various routines based on physics |
dk.schoubo.records |
CD catalog processor |
dk.schoubo.scanner |
Scanner frontend |
dk.schoubo.simscript |
SIMSCRIPT implementation |
dk.schoubo.softfact.eclipse |
Eclipse environment interface |
dk.schoubo.solver.antcolony |
Antcolony generic algorithm implementation |
dk.schoubo.solver.backtracking |
General Backtracker implementation |
dk.schoubo.sort |
Polyphase sequential sort implementation |
dk.schoubo.stat |
Various statistical routines, including non-parametric tests |
dk.schoubo.structures |
Balanced tree implementation, including multidimensional geometric tree |
dk.schoubo.surete |
Graphical backup utility |
dk.schoubo.swing |
Java Swing utilties |
dk.schoubo.units |
Pre-JSR 275 implementation of physical unit routines |
dk.schoubo.util |
Various simple utilties |
dk.schoubo.web |
Routines for web page access |
edu.sunysb.cs |
The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository optimization algorithms from Discrete Optimization Algorithms with Pascal Programs translated to Java |
org.gnu.distlib |
Statistical routines for distributions, converted from C | |
Complete library of mathematical routines translated from Numerical Recipes in Pascal |